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Do you have a beautiful garden filled with daylilies but are worried about deer munching on them? It’s a common concern for gardeners, as deer are notorious for eating various plants. But do deer actually eat daylilies?
Deer are opportunistic feeders and will eat a wide range of plant species. Daylilies are a popular addition to many gardens with bright and colorful blooms. However, their delicate leaves and flowers may make them an easy target for deer looking for a quick snack.
In this article, we’ll explore whether or not deer eat daylilies, as well as some tips on how to keep your garden safe from these hungry creatures.
What’s Inside:
What Are Daylilies?

Daylilies are popular perennial plants widely cultivated in gardens and landscapes for their beautiful flowers, ease of care, and ability to thrive in a wide range of growing conditions. Their Latin name is Hemerocallis, and they are native to Asia and Europe.
The name “daylily” comes from the fact that each flower only lasts for one day, but new flowers continue to bloom throughout the growing season, making these plants a great addition to any flower garden. Daylilies come in various colors, including orange, yellow, red, pink, and white, and they often have a sweet fragrance.
In addition to their vibrant blooms, gardeners love daylilies for their hardiness and low-maintenance requirements. These plants can grow in various soil types and sunlight levels and are resistant to many pests and diseases.
While daylilies are easy to grow and care for, they require some maintenance, especially for deer browsing. Deer are known to love daylilies and will often eat the flowers and leaves if given the opportunity.
Overall, daylilies are beautiful and versatile plants that can add vibrant color to any landscape or garden. With proper care and protection, these plants can thrive for years and provide plenty of blooms to enjoy year after year.
Do Deer Eat Daylilies?

If you’re a gardener or a nature enthusiast, you might wonder whether deer eat daylilies. The answer, unfortunately, is yes. Daylilies are occasionally severely damaged, as per the New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station.
While deer have a vast variety of plants they enjoy eating, daylilies are usually not on their favorite food list. The green leaves of daylilies also have an unpleasant taste that deer tend to avoid.
However, it’s important to note that hungry deer may still browse on daylilies if their other food sources are scarce. But even in these instances, daylilies are still less appealing to deer than other garden plants.
One method to prevent deer from eating your daylilies is to plant deer-resistant plants alongside them. There are many types of plants that deer tend to avoid, such as lavender, plants from the Allium family, and a variety of other plants with prickly foliage or pungent scents.
Another method is to plant more daylilies. If you have plenty of daylilies available, deer will only eat a small portion, leaving the rest for you to enjoy.
If all else fails, several deer repellent sprays can help deter deer from your daylilies. These sprays can be applied directly to the leaves and flowers of your daylilies, creating a bad taste or scent unattractive to deer. You can also experiment with bars of soap, human hair, or animal fur, as deer are sensitive to strong smells and will avoid them.
Finally, consider installing a robust and tall fence or an electric fence around your garden. This is one of the most effective ways to keep deer at bay but it can also be expensive. If you install a fence, make it tall enough to prevent deer from jumping over it.
In conclusion, daylilies are a beautiful addition to any garden. While they’re not entirely deer-proof, they are relatively safe from browsing. You can take some steps to keep them that way. Plant these beautiful blooms with other deer-resistant plants, use deer repellents, or invest in an electric or strong fence.
Daylilies can be a great addition to any garden; with just a little effort, you can keep them beautiful and flourishing.
Protect Your Daylilies With Deer Repellent Plants

Deer can cause significant damage to gardens and landscapes, particularly during the late summer and fall months when their food supply becomes scarce. Planting deer-repellent plants can be an effective way to keep deer at bay and protect your garden.
There are a variety of plants that deer tend to avoid, including those with strong smells or fuzzy leaves. Plants with spines or thorns, such as holly or barberry, can also deter deer. Additionally, deer often avoid plants with bitter tastes, such as daffodils and alliums.
Some popular deer-resistant perennials include salvia and lavender. These plants not only provide beautiful blooms but can also withstand deer browsing. Ornamental grasses, such as fountain grass and maiden grass, can also deter deer while adding texture and visual interest to your landscape.
It’s worth noting that while deer-resistant plants can be effective, they are not entirely deer-proof. Hungry deer may still find a way to nibble on your garden plant, especially if many deer are in your area and their favorite food sources are limited.
False cypress is a beautiful shrub that can add texture and dimension to any garden. However, what makes this plant particularly appealing to gardeners is its ability to deter deer.
Known for its tolerance to a variety of soils and its ability to thrive in both sun and shade, false cypress is a versatile addition to any garden. It emits a strong aroma that is believed to repel deer.
Another benefit of false cypress as a deer-resistant plant is that it is low-maintenance. It requires minimal pruning and can withstand periods of drought, making it an ideal addition to any garden landscape.
When planning your garden, consider incorporating a variety of deer-resistant plants to provide a range of colors and textures. By combining beautiful blooms with plants that deer tend to avoid, you can create a stunning landscape that is both vibrant and practical.
Human Hair as a Natural Repellent
If you’re looking for a natural and effective way to keep deer away from your garden, you may want to consider using human hair. You read that right: human hair can function as a powerful deer repellent.
This may come as a surprise, but it turns out that deer are pretty sensitive to smells and will avoid areas that smell unfamiliar or unpleasant. Human hair is known for its pungent smell, which comes from the oils produced by the scalp. When placed in or around a garden, human hair can create an odor barrier that will help keep deer at bay.
So, how do you use human hair as a deer repellent? It’s pretty simple. You can collect hair from your local salon or barber shop or even from your hairbrush. Once you have a decent amount of hair, spread it around the perimeter of your garden, or place it in bags and hang them from tree branches.
It’s important to note that human hair is most effective when combined with other deer-repellent methods. For example, consider planting deer-resistant plants, using motion-activated sprinklers, or erecting a tall fence around your garden. You can create a comprehensive defense against deer browsing by using multiple deterrents.
Another benefit of using human hair as a deer repellent is that it’s completely natural and safe for the environment. No harmful chemicals are involved, so you don’t have to worry about any adverse effects on other wildlife or the ecosystem as a whole.
List of Commonly Used Repellents to Keep Deer at Bay
To keep deer away, gardeners have been using several tricks for years, ranging from human hair to motion-activated sprinklers. Let’s take a closer look at some of the different methods of repelling deer:
- Repellent sprays: Repellent sprays can be effective and easy to use. These sprays work by emitting a bad taste or odor, making deer think twice about eating plants. The sprays usually contain natural ingredients like garlic, mint, and eggs.
- Motion-activated sprinklers: Motion-activated sprinklers are a clever way to keep deer from entering your garden. When a deer approaches, a sensor triggers the sprinkler, spraying water and scaring the deer away. These sprinklers are easy to install and work well, particularly in larger gardens.
- Bars of soap: Strongly scented bars of soap, like peppermint, can help keep deer away. Place these bars strategically around your garden or hang them near vulnerable plants.
- Electric fences: Electric fences can effectively keep deer away from plants. The fence should be about eight feet tall and include several strands of wire.
- Repellent plants: Certain plants are known for their ability to repel deer. These include lavender, peony, catnip, and mint.
- Human hair: This method sounds odd, but placing human hair around the garden can work wonders. The smell of humans will make deer wary and keep them away from the plants.
- Fencing: The most traditional and effective way to keep deer away is to install a strong fence around your garden. The fence should be at least six feet tall with tightly spaced pickets.
Experiment with different methods to find out what works best for your garden!
Beautiful Flowers That Deer Won’t Eat

Are you tired of planting beautiful flowers in your garden only to find them devoured by hungry deer? Spending time and money on your landscaping efforts can be frustrating, only to have them destroyed by wildlife. Fortunately, there are many stunning flowers that deer tend to avoid.
Daylilies are a popular choice for their range of colors and sturdy nature. While deer occasionally browse on the leaves, they typically avoid the flowers themselves. Other perennial plants like peonies, daffodils, and iris are also fairly safe from deer browsing.
Try planting coneflowers or black-eyed Susans for a burst of late summer color. These bright blooms are not a favorite food source for deer, making them a great addition to any flower garden. Another option is the false cypress, a gorgeous shrub that deer tend to steer clear of.
If you’re looking for a plant with a strong scent, lavender and catmint are great choices. These plants release a sweet smell humans love but deer find unappealing. And for a touch of whimsy, consider planting alliums with round, purple blooms that deer typically ignore.
Remember that no plant is entirely deer-proof, but choosing less appealing varieties to deer can help reduce the damage to your garden.
And if you want to ensure that your flowers stay safe, try a combination of strategies. Use fencing, motion-activated sprinklers, and repellent sprays in combination with your deer-resistant plants. With some planning and effort, you can enjoy a beautiful flower garden that doesn’t double as a meal for deer.
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